River Run Shuttle Service
we want you to enjoy every minute of your stay! add our river transportation service to your vacation.
we are excited to offer a reliable shuttle service for you and your canoe/kayak. we will drop you and your canoe/kayak off and pick you up at a specific destination along the magagadavic river.
$100 per round trip
fun facts about the magaguadavic river
The magaguadavic is a historic canadain river in new brunswick.
while driving into the lodge, you will follow one of its tributaries, the north east branch of the magaguadavic. this too, is located on the property and is one of 103 tributaries.
it is the 6th longest river in nb and the 2nd largest source of freshwater to passamaquoddy bay, a sub-basin of the bay of fundy
the magaguadavic watershed covers a land area of 1806 kms with a vast sequence of rivers, lakes, and streams, with deep pools and large riffled sections.
its riverbank is over 90% forested and has less than 3% residental homes on it.
fishing info
harvey is a more than perect spot for the casual and avid anglers. with 7 lakes and several rivers surrounding the area, it's not hard to pick a spot to throw a line in.
it's not uncommon to hook a 16"-17" native brook trout or a bass that weighs up to five punds in the local lakes and rivers. Other local species include:
white perch
yellow perch
atlantic salmon
landlocked salmon
sixteen fish species are found within the magaguadavic river. these include:
atlantic salmon
brook trout
smallmouth bass
americal eel
spiny stickleback
creek chub
common shiner
yellow perch
white sucker