It's a rustic, cozy place to escape the everday busy lives we all lead. The waters edge alone brings much tranqility, but you will find that throughout the property.
Location of Cabin
Magaguadavic Lodge is remote but easy to find!
We are located in the southwestern part of the province, outside the village of Harvey Station. Harvey is situated between rolling hills and is surrounded by seven lakes and several other bodies of water. One that is well known is the Magaguadavic River. This river is one of the largest bodies of freshwater in the province and the lodge is tucked deep in the woods overlooking it!
The lodge is 45 minutes southwest of Fredericton, the capital of NB.
It is near 3 US borders in Maine; 30 minutes from Vanceboro, 45 minutes from Calais, and 1 hour and 15 minutes from Houlton.
Travelling from the north, east and west? The lodge is 20 minutes from exit 258 on the Trans Canada highway.
*For those looking at a map, google maps has the address of the lodge in the incorrect spot on the road. No worries though, we will give you directions!
Coming from Harvey
the costello is 11 kms from Black's store (13 minutes)
the last house on the left before the costello Rd. has the blue Civic number 3067
coming from st. stephen
turn right at the yeild sign
continue 2.5 kms
the last house on the left has the blue civic number 3106, the costello rd is on the right.
New Brunswick is 1 of three Atlantic provinces that are collectively known as
'the Maritimes'